Welcome to Chris Savas Photography

I created this forum to share my experiences
that I have acquired as a photographer.

I'm going to include some older projects that I like from past years. Remember, I've been around a while.

And I'm also going to add some fun and interesting posts telling "the rest of the story".

Click on the archives, sit back, read, laugh, and maybe cry a little, but most of all I hope you enjoy my stories.

This is a work in progress. Check back in periodically to see what I have been able to post to entertain you.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Twice the fun in a biplane

Harry Ballance
When my friend Jeff Jeffares asked me if I wanted to go up to Williamson, Georgia  and shoot biplanes from a biplane, I jumped all over it.  Flying is one of those experiences I never get tired of.  I still get excited when I take off and land in big commercial jets.  When we pulled up to the PeachState Aerodrome, Harry Ballance met us to take us to the planes and introduce us to the other pilots.

Buckle up, bring your seat to an up right position and enjoy the ride.

Young and old agree, airplanes are cool
It takes a lot of power to make these planes do what they do
Up up and away with Harry
The mirror that the front person can see the pilot in the back
PeachState Aerodrome
Me having the time of my life doing loops, stalls and shooting the other planes.
When the sun goes down, it's time to head home, sit around the hanger and have a drink with all the new friends we just made.  Thanks to all the guys at PeachState Aerodrome for a great weekend.