Welcome to Chris Savas Photography

I created this forum to share my experiences
that I have acquired as a photographer.

I'm going to include some older projects that I like from past years. Remember, I've been around a while.

And I'm also going to add some fun and interesting posts telling "the rest of the story".

Click on the archives, sit back, read, laugh, and maybe cry a little, but most of all I hope you enjoy my stories.

This is a work in progress. Check back in periodically to see what I have been able to post to entertain you.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wait...I know somebody

This is something that I noticed when I talk to my daughter Britt.  If I ever need something she will always say "Wait...I know somebody".  Doesn't matter if I need my car washed or a good restaurant, she knows somebody who can help me get it at a good price or better service.

This made me think about our relationship we have with family, friends and yes, the people we do business with.  Never before are relationships so important as in today's marketplace.

So the other day when I was on the phone talking to my son Manny helping him buy his first big purchase (HDTV) with the money he made from his first job, Britt overheard the conversation, held up her hand and said "wait...I know somebody who can get you that TV cheaper. She met him at the store and saved him $75.

So when you hear someone say to YOU, I'm looking for a good photographer, you can say, "WAIT...I KNOW SOMEBODY"

Chris Savas Photography
404-386-1033  Mobile
770-579-5347  Main

Thank you,

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